... RT @blainecapatch: columbus day is just a fake holiday made up by the columbus companies to sell more columbus. Oct 09, 5:36 am

... #helpful RT @yngCZ: Parking tickets in Portland, Maine have maps showing the locations of public parking garages. #PassiveAggressiveMuch Oct 04, 11:19 am

... RT @danieltosh: apparently my 'Mom' had a strong showing, according to my followers. Oct 04, 11:18 am

... RT @danlevy: I have more cups in my bedroom than in my kitchen. Sep 18, 8:22 pm

... RT @DontHateTheGeek: Now that's a race... #avp http://t.co/0gcM2CW5 Sep 16, 3:26 pm

... @Audi ordered my 2013 S4 today! Moonlight blue. Sep 15, 6:46 pm

... RT @DontHateTheGeek: Console hijinks.... http://t.co/qbHXF0hv Sep 01, 9:33 pm

... RT @Audi: Yeah, that works RT @matthewhendriks: it's not instagram, but how about this one of my S4?! http://t.co/B6la29va Aug 29, 6:28 am

... RT @redditflipboard: Thought I would use this opportunity to shout out a big THANK YOU to Microsoft. [r/gaming] http://t.co/kDKsNRZv #re ... Aug 25, 4:28 am

... RT @WeDrawSomething: We're still giving away a shirt a day - for a chance to win one, just follow @WeDrawSomething and retweet this! Goo ... Aug 11, 7:57 pm

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